Yes. Leftists drive wedges between groups. They create enmity. They politicize everything to get political power.

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And not only. There is this rabid desire to destroy the composition of society, as it has existed for centuries, by pushing underage children to mental and physical destruction by implanting in them the doubt and mind confusion about their biological sex and their sexuality in a criminal way, by excluding their parents from their education, by dismantling their central core, the institution of the family.

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Yes, the destruction of the social structure so that it can be replaced by totalitarian rule has always been the playbook of the Marxists/Leftists. And look what it did to Russia, Cambodia, Cuba, China, Venezuela, North Korea...

The train wreck that is now Burma/Myanmar began with a socialist revolution. And so many people want it to happen here, to us.

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This expresses it so well for those loving family members who can only try to understand and express our love from a distance, a close distance.

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Somehow I missed your comment Sir. My apologies..

You just have perfectly described the real essence of it !! " from a close distance".. Love it !

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